Custom Solutions features

How does it happen?


Our team works with you to analyse your requirements, write you a proposal, then design, build and implement a solution that will improve the performance of your organisation.

How long does it take?


On average it takes 2 to 3 months to develop and install a custom database.

Who owns the software?


You own the software, it is your intellectual property.

How is that an advantage for me?


Because nobody else has that software it may well provide a critical advantage for your business over your competitors, particularly if the software implements a process that is unique to your business, i.e. it's not just about efficiency, it's also about strategy. 

Who uses custom database software?


Many small to medium size businesses choose custom databases, as do departments within larger organisations who are tired of waiting for the IT Division to meet their needs. 

Can we connect to existing systems?


We have extensive experience developing interfaces to a wide variety of other systems.

What about support?


We provide a comprehensive support service.  Modern software tools allow us to maintain systems remotely and make changes surprisingly quickly.  These tools also allow other developers to take over our systems in the unlikely event we cease to be your preferred supplier. We know this because we often take over systems from other suppliers!